Nextar 43LT runs on iGo Amigo which has a lot of settings you can change through sys.txt and system.ini. I want to keep a record of the original settings just in case I do something bad.
sys.txt is in iGo directory of the storage card and system.ini is in iGo/save . Note that there are back slashes in the configuration (e.g. lang_path_hint="lang\Lang_English-us.gro"
), WordPress is notorious about deleting back slashes. So, do not be surprsied that these back slashes got omitted in the future
[device] type="nextar_q4-lt"
[gps] gpstime="1246455665" last_gps_date="2009.07.01" last_gps_time="13:41:05.037" [interface] theme="" [keyboard] panel_alpha="Default" panel_numeric="Numbers" [map] rasterorder="" viewpreset_front1="30,100,7200,10" viewpreset_front2="140,7000,6000,10" viewpreset_top="600,50000,225,10" viewpreset_front3="140,7000,6000,10" 3d_dem="3" 3d_landmarks="1" 3d_buildings_distance="3" follow_gps="1" rotation="0" [map.car_display] car="Sports_Car/car" [navigation] autoreplan_action="OFF" [other] last_activation_warning="2009.07.01" activation_warning_today="0" [other.naviextras] first_use_date="2009.06.30" reminder_check_date="2009.07.01" [power] powermgm_state="0" [rawdisplay] class="wide" [regional] language_lcid="1033" language_key="english US" lang_path_hint="lang\Lang_English-us.gro" voice_key="tts_loq_eng_us_m1" voice_path_hint="voice\" [route] route_type="FAST" allow_special="1" can_stop_on_highway="1" allow_uturn="0" [screen] nightmode="0" [smartzoom] auto_follow_time="1" [sound] sound_muted="1" os_volume="199" os_muted="1" [timezone] index="29" auto_index="143" tzdst="1" [tmc] saved_config_available="1" saved_config_classname="NMEA_GPSTMC_ROYALTEK" saved_config_portname="COM" saved_config_port="4" saved_last_tuning_mode="1" saved_last_frequency="975" auto_tuning="1" [warning] speedlimit_warning="1"
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